About Sage Lane Cottage

Moving onto bigger things!
at the beginning of this year we put much thought + consideration into our storefront location. It turned out that an in town storefront was no longer ideal for our business goals + visions. We decided not to renew our lease + moved out of our dillsburg storefront over the summer. It was always our long term goal to operate our business on our family farm (previously Davis’ ice cream) which is exactly the plan we are now pursuing. We have plans to open the new storefont sometime in 2024. Until then we will be hosting Pop Up Shops + Vendor markets seasonally. The community surrounding us has been INCREDIBLY supportive. We thank you for sticking with us through this transition. We’re so excited for new business ventures to come + to continue serving our community!

Who we are…
Hi, we’re the Davis’s! I’m Lauren, founder and owner of Sage Lane Cottage, and this is my husband Cody. We grew up locally in the town of Boiling Springs and just recently moved to the Dillsburg area! We are currently expecting our first child in July 2022 and also have three fur babies- Sammy, Luna, and our newest, Juniper! You’ll most likely catch Juniper and/or Luna in our storefront with me, as they love to hang out at the shop and enjoy the company from our customers. Don’t be surprised if Juniper throws a frisbee at you as soon as you walk through the door or Luna barks for pets...
The question we get asked a lot about our business is “why Dillsburg?” Well, it’s simple. Dillsburg has held a special place in our hearts for many reasons. Cody spent a lot of time growing up in Dillsburg while helping his grandparents run their business of 35 years, ‘Davis’s Soft Ice Cream’. If you’re a local you probably know this Dillsburg staple! Davis’s played a huge role in Cody’s childhood and he spent his summers helping his grandparents run the fruit stand and the ice cream shop. I also spent some time in Dillsburg growing up since my childhood home was just around the corner near White Rock Acres. But once Cody and I met in high school, we spent alot of time at his grandparent’s farm and I quickly fell in love with the area even more. We always knew that if God didn’t lead us down another path, that this is where we wanted to settle down and raise a family.
So how did Sage Lane Cottage come about? Sage Lane Cottage was built on my passion for design & all things home over years of blood, sweat, and tears, many late nights, and continued determination. The journey of this business all started with a simple blog. When we moved into our first home in 2014, I started a blog called ‘Farmhouse Flare’ to keep track of our house renovations just for fun. Soon after, I started dabbling into the crafting world. I made my own home decor pieces and sold them at craft shows and through Etsy. Managing this while working full time seemed impossible though. I knew I wanted a career that could keep my creative juices flowing with home design but I also wanted to have my own business. And that’s when I realized that I wanted to run a home decor boutique! While continuing to work full time in the dental field, I spent 4 years researching and learning the world of retail and entrepreneurship. I started small by creating a website and focusing on online sales as well as doing pop up shops each weekend from April-October in the covered barn where Davis’s used to be. As word of mouth spread and my local clientele grew, I finally reached a point in 2021 where I was ready to take a leap of faith and open a permanent storefront. One thing lead to another and we just so happened to find the perfect location right in downtown Dillsburg! From there we said goodbye to Farmhouse Flare and Sage Lane Cottage was born in August of 2021.